About the Nikon D800e

From Wikipedia

The Nikon D800 is a 36.3-megapixel professional-grade full-frame digital single-lens reflex camera produced by Nikon Corporation. It was given a Gold Award by Digital Photography Review.
It was officially announced on February 7, 2012, and went on sale in late March 2012 for the suggested retail price of $2999.95 in the U.S., £2399 in the UK, and €2892 in the Eurozone. Shortly after the camera went on sale, Nikon's UK subsidiary increased the price of the D800 in that market by £200 to £2599, saying that the original price was due to an "internal systems error". However, Nikon honored the original price for all pre-orders placed before March 24, and added that no price changes would be made in other markets.
The successor is the Nikon D810 – announced June 26, 2014.

Purchase a Nikon D800e

The text above came from the NIKON D800E article on Wikipedia, licensed under the CC-BY-SA license.
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Images taken by the Nikon D800e

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