Canon EOS Kiss Digital

About the Canon Eos Kiss Digital

From Wikipedia

The Canon EOS 300D, manufactured by Canon, was marketed in North America as the EOS Digital Rebel, in Japan as the EOS Kiss Digital, and was also sold as the DS6041. It is a 6.3-megapixel entry-level digital single-lens reflex camera. It was initially announced on 20 August 2003 at a price point of $899 without lens, $999 with the "kit" lens. It is part of the Canon EOS line of cameras. This was a significant milestone in digital cameras, as it was the first digital SLR offered under $1000.
The 300D was one of the first digital SLR (single lens reflex) cameras that cost less than 1000 euros (£830 at January 2012 exchange rates).

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The text above came from the Canon EOS Kiss Digital article on Wikipedia, licensed under the CC-BY-SA license.
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Images taken by the Canon Eos Kiss Digital

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