Photographic Equipment
- Nikon
From WikipediaThe Nikon D2H is a professional-grade digital single-lens reflex camera introduced by Nikon Corporation on July 22, 2003. It uses Nikon's own JFET-LBCAST sensor with a 4.1-megapixel resolution, and is optimised for sports and action shooting that require a high frame rate. In 2005, the D2H was replaced by the D2Hs, which added new features derived from the 12-megapixel D2X digital SLR. The D2Hs was discontinued after the introduction of the D300 and D3 models.
Like most early Nikon Digital SLR cameras, it uses a "DX Format" sensor, which applies a crop factor compared to 35 mm film of approximately 1.5×.
Purchase a Nikon D2hsThe text above came from the NIKON D2Hs article on Wikipedia, licensed under the CC-BY-SA license.
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